Plays and Such with Jorj Savage

Editor’s Note:  Jorj will get to your show as soon as is possible.
Jorj Picking Up the Money Which Several Have Sent: Thank You!

“Nebunele Theater Presents FRIEND’S ENEMY by ensemble at Stone Stone Soup Upstage.  I took some friends visiting from Alaska to the last performance August 29th.  We sat in the front row and it was theater of Kings.  We were just a few feet from the actors.  We got some real close ups.

It wasn’t an ecology message but a play about an organization that purchased land for wildlife habitat then let logging companies log it.  Nina, the daughter of the deceased co-founder, is investigating what is really going on.

The co-founder and now CEO Laura Richards, played by company founder Alissa Mortensen, is having a lesbian relationship with her secretary Courtney.  When Nina finds out the truth about the company Laura has to resign and it causes a breakup in her relationship with Courtney played by Grace Booth..  A eco-terrorist played by Erwin Galan is well portrayed. There is use of sound overs and a scrim.  As Nina writes her piece for Newsweek scenes are seen typed out on the screen and then deleted as Nina reworks her story.  Sophie Nimmannit was very effective as Nina, a woman who finds the truth about her father, and finds the truth about her mother’s work, and finally finds her own identity.

FRIEND’S ENEMY ran 70 minutes without an intermission so it could be called a long one act in keeping with Stone Soups mission of doing one act plays.

My friends from Alaska, not big theater goers, were very impressed and entertained. The script was a successful collaborative effort. The troup of 9 even went on a two week retreat to the forests of Northern California to ‘augment research’.   – Jorj”

Photo by Carl Nelson

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